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GiveCentral is an online fundraising platform that allows your donors to give any way they like, empowering you to grow your organization. 

The crowdfunding market size has the potential to grow by [USD 196.36 billion during 2021–2025], and the market’s growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 15.45%










My Responsibilities

Conducting interviews, preparing the user flow, paper and digital wire-framing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, and iterating on designs.

Research Goals

In today’s world, we encounter a great many people who are impoverished. There are many who would love to extend a helping hand, but they nearly never have the necessary guidance or time to do it. As a result, we propose this website as a means of bridging the gap between eager donors and recipients.

To achieve it by creating online and mobile platforms that work seamlessly to enhance your fundraising efforts. Our goal is to make fundraising fast and easy.

Empathize with Users


  • We conducted a qualitative survey, We received 11 responses, we consider 5 or more responses useful for a qualitative study.

Needs and motivations

  • Users expect a simple donation process with rapid access to the donation section, as well as openness and responsibility.

  • Few users pointed out websites must immediately gain faith in the charity by learning what it does, why it does it, how it does it, how the money is spent, and what it is working on.

  • Stories, videos, and how the money is spent are all available. These are critical pieces of information that will assist someone in swiftly deciding whether or not to donate to this charity.

  • Clearly stating that customers can make a one-time donation.

  • Users also expressed an interest in seeing real-life testimonials or comments from the recipient.


  • A user persona is a representation of the goals and behavior of a hypothesized group of users. In most cases, personas are synthesized from data collected from interviews with users.

Persona – 2
  • The user flow below depicts Jacob's journey around the website as a first-time visitor. We needed to make sure the contribution page was easily accessible to the user on every page before he made a gift.

Quantitative Study


The Problem

Making internet donations is dangerous and untrustworthy.

Problem Statements

Mr Jacob is Software Developer who wishes to donate because he wants to assist people in any way possible.


Ideation & Solution

  • Avoid utilizing images that are upsetting to the user; instead, utilize quiet and calming banners.

  • To make browsing easier, a donate button should be provided on all pages.

  • On the donation page, there is no unnecessary information or distractions that could cause users to abandon the website.

  • In each query they have, the support functionality should always be available.

  • With accessibility in mind, icons with text for validation problems and possible locations were included.

  • Create a safe environment for users to save their personal data.

  • Optimized for desktop computers, mobile phones, and tablets.

  • For the sake to build trust, details about your IRS registration number, annual reports are shown to the users and send them updates on their charity.

Design Process


Happy User Flow



  • The number of steps in the donation procedure has been decreased from 11 to 5.

  • The number of fields on the donation form has been decreased from 32 to 10, making the process of filling it out less intimidating and increasing the likelihood that users will complete it without getting discouraged.

Conclusions and discussion

Charities should adjust their user experience to focus on current campaigns on the homepage to show users what they're up to, where funds are going, and why money is so desperately required. Users are discouraged from donating since homepages are vague in terms of general charity activities and current campaigns.

The following are some of our learning :

  • On the site, display the most recent news, campaigns, and success stories.

  • Have a separate part of the site dedicated to each of these topics.

  • Users, interestingly, want to know where the money goes and how much is spent on employees.

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